Civita Bagnoregio near Orvieto is a really ancient place, melancholic, picturesque…. and dying. The tufa cliffs on which it is built are crumbling into the valley below taking houses with them. Until comparatively recently the road signs pointed to Civita, la citta che muore – the dying city. They were removed as this gloomy message appears to […]
Lake Bolsena

Lake Bolsena is one of the magnificent sights of Italy. It has been considered a lake of great spiritual importance…. and mystery, for thousands of years. It was the sacred lake of the Etruscans and it still has a powerful effect on anybody who visits its shores. The painter William Turner passed by here in 1795 and […]
Bisenzio, Bizentina Island, lake Bolsena, Marta, saint Christina, VisentiumVulci photography excursion

VULCI is one of the most picturesque spots in Italy and one of Camera Etrusca’s most popular photographic excursions. It boasts Etrusco-Roman ruins, a sinister mediaeval castle, an ancient high bridge, a deep canyon under stalactite cliffs, a rushing waterfall and a deep lake. Vulci was a rich and important Etruscan city founded about 800 […]
D.H.Lawrence, Etruscan city, George dennis, Lucien Bonaparte, Musignano, Vulci, Vulci photo excursionPitigliano, Sorano & Sovana,The Sacred Ways

The mysterious Etruscan Sacred Ways are exclusive to three southern Tuscan towns: Pitigliano, Sovana and Sorano. Some are very deep, up to an astonishing 20m, hewn out of solid rock by the Etruscans about 2500 years ago, and some paths are very long indeed; all of them are winding and twisting like the above. Why […]
cia cava, etruscan, Etruscan sacred way, Pitigliano, Sorano, Tuscany, via Cava san RoccoSpas and thermal springs on photo treks

Spas and Thermal Springs in Tuscia Hot water cascade in Bagni San Filippo in Tuscany Tuscia is volcanic territory and abounds in spas and hot springs. We are surrounded by extinct volcanoes from under which flow thermal streams, hot water cascades and bubbling springs. Some are fairly pricey sophisticated resorts with fancy hotels, massage facilities, […]
spas, spas in Tuscany, spas italy, thermal springs